Plate Tectonics Lab - Hand-drawn Plate Map



The Moving Tectonic Plates and their Dynamic Boundaries

This part of the lab studies the nature and dynamics of Earth’s tectonic plates, and associated faulting and earthquake. In this part of

the lab you will: 1) Become familiar with the global positions of the major tectonic plates; 2) Evaluate the types of stress and associated

faults of each of the three types of plate boundaries; and 3) measure and evaluate plate motions.


Directions: Illustrate the major plate tectonic boundaries (World map provided in lab)

1) Draw in the three different plate boundaries found worldwide according to the three major boundary types.

2) Draw and label each of three boundary types with a different color (red, blue, and green)

3) Label (by name) each of the major tectonic plates – 14 plates total

4) Draw motion arrows to show the relative motion of the Pacific and North American Plates