Introduction: On
December 26, 2004, Mother Nature handed an ugly and tragic Christmas present to
the people of southeast Asia. On that day, the largest
earthquake in decades ripped loose along a subduction zone west of the
Directions: Your assignment this week is to learn about tsunamis.
The assignment has three parts and is worth a maximum of 5 points.
Part A) How do tsunamis form, what are their wave
characteristics, and how in particular the
Part B) What are threats of tsunami to the west coast of
Part C) What are the latest developments in tsunami warning
systems—systems that (hopefully)
will prevent a Sumatra-scale disaster happen to
Project Resources:
For the
assignment, first go over the tsunami slide show and lecture notes
found on our classroom website,
Then I recommend
two excellent tsunami websites -- sites that will give you many links to clear
and accurate tsunami information on the Internet. It’s your job to navigate through these
sites to find the information you need to complete the assignment. Have fun!
United States
Geological Survey (USGS) Tsunami site:
National Oceanographic & Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) Tsunami site:
Use the attached
worksheet below for handwriting your answers to Parts A, B and C. This handout is also found on this website at, Make a Word.doc copy, and type your answers
into the worksheet and save it as a doc file for printing and turning in. You may also e-mail the completed worksheet
as an attached doc.file to me. As always, please keep in mind my plagiarism policy.
Thank you!
Step-by-Step Instructions for Parts A, B, and C
PART A. Tsunamis, Plate Tectonics and Sumatra (2 points)
Begin by clicking
the like below to play a cool animation of tsunami formation and propagation. This
animation should play within your web browser (Explorer or Communicator). Once
it downloads, press the 'play' arrow at the bottom left to play the animation:
Prentice-Hall Tsunami Animation
Note: if for some reason you can't play the animation, use your textbook. After
this, use the internet links above to learn about the specific plate tectonic
setting of the
Directions: In a couple short paragraphs, describe 1) the various ways that tsunamis form,
2) the characteristics of tsunami
waves in the deep open ocean and 3)
how tsunami waves change going from deep water into shallow water
(shoaling). 4) Finally, briefly explain
how the Sumatra tsunami formed, and what its affects were along shorelines in
PART B. Tsunami Threats to the West Coast of North America (1.5 points)
Navigate the USGS
and NOAA sites to find information about tsunami threats to the
Directions: In a several short paragraphs answer the following
questions: 1) How vulnerable is the
PART C. The DART System (1.5 points)
Use the links
below to learn about DART.
Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
Directions: In several short paragraphs, describe and explain
the DART system. Make sure to 1) Describe the physical components,
and the function of each of the components; 2) How is the system deployed worldwide,
and where are they deployed, and 3)
How is the DART system an improvement over previous tsunami warning
systems? Be sure to briefly describe
the previous systems.
Use the following
worksheet for handwriting your answers to Parts A, B and C. You may also access this handout on our
website Tsunami Online
Worksheet, make a Word.doc copy, and type your answers into the worksheet
and save it as a doc file for printing and turning in. You may also e-mail the completed worksheet
as an attached doc.file to me. As always, please keep in mind my plagiarism policy.
Thank you!
Online Worksheet
PART A. Tsunamis, Plate Tectonics and Sumatra (2
In a couple short paragraphs, describe 1)
the various ways that tsunamis form, 2)
the characteristics of tsunami waves in the deep open ocean and 3) how tsunami waves change going from
deep water into shallow water (shoaling).
4) Finally, briefly explain how the Sumatra
tsunami formed, and what its affects were along shorelines in the
PART B. Tsunami Threats to the West Coast of North
America (1.5 points)
In a several short paragraphs answer the following questions: 1) How vulnerable
is the
PART C. The DART System (1.5
Directions: In several
short paragraphs, describe and explain the DART system. Make sure to 1) Describe the physical components, and the function of each of
the components; 2) How is the system deployed worldwide, and where are they
deployed, and 3) How is the DART
system an improvement over previous tsunami warning systems? Be sure to briefly describe the previous